Engineer Nilesh Dabi Patel, Rajpura,(Rayatpura, Post-Machal, 453001, Tehsil- Depalpur, Dist-indore, M.p., India ) Contact no. 9993790111

Object oriented programming language

Object Oriented Programming Language

Object:- Object is the instance of programm and object is the runtime entity. We can create object through class. Without object we can't run a class in c++ language. Object is always declare in void main function. Example:- classname objectname;

Class:- A class is a user defined data type. We can make a class in c++ language. Class contain similar type of data and similar type of function. We can create a function in class as much as we want. Example:- class classname

Data Abstraction:- Data abstraction refer to represent essential features without any background detail. Example:- private ,public. Inheritence:- When derived class acquire the property of base class it is known as inheritence.There are different type of inheritence use in c++ some of them as follows- 1.Single inheritence 2.multilple inheritence 3.multilevel inheritence 4.hierarical inheritence 5.hybrid inheritence.


Rajpura (rayatpura), post machal, dist indore, depalpur 453001